A New Adventure

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I have been thinking about starting my own blog for over a year now and I think the time has come to go for it. I always thought no one would read it or people might assume this is just another mommy blog. But then I realized that I should not be letting the possibility of someone not reading or someone not liking something to keep me from doing what I want to do. So here I go! Let me tell you a little bit about myself: 
  •  My name is Brittany Paige Bray and I am a 21 year old student at the University of Arkansas studying Marketing and I am graduating in December of 2014.
  •  I was born in Ohio, lived in Michigan until I was 7, moved to good ole Bentonville, AR and then moved to Fayetteville when I transferred to the UofA.
  •  I married my husband, TJ, last year and our son was born in October.

Here’s our little family
            I am so excited to get this blog started! I will be talking about anything from being a first time mother, makeup and fashion, to anything else that’s pops in my head, so I promise not to narrow this down to just being another mommy blog that bores all other types of readers. If you’ve made it to the end of this post, thank you for spending your time reading this and I hope you have a Happy New Year!

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