5 Things

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend and that the time change didn't throw you off too much! It's 70 and sunny here so I don't think this Monday will be all that bad. Here are 5 things from our weekend!
Friday night I got to go out with some friends that I used to work with for a birthday dinner. I ordered a regular margarita and instead I was given this massive fishbowl. Needless to say, it was not finished and should not be for anyone needing to drive!
This guy. This little booger is a mess. His favorite activities include climbing and getting into things that he shouldn't be, as you can see! I was so happy to have him in a good mood and feeling better though. Lately he's been dealing with so much with teething, an ear infection, and ridiculously high fevers so it was nice to have him over all of that stuff for once and not need any medicine!
We stayed home all of Saturday and Sunday and I was in organization mode. I decided to get all of Carson's old clothes that didn't fit anymore, fold them, sort them by size, and pack them up. During this process I realized I have a serious problem and addiction to Baby Gap! Not pictured are two trash bags full of clothes I've given away, his closet, and 6 full drawers. Just a tad on the excessive side but at least it's an organized stock pile now!
Next victim of Spring Cleaning? The pantry! This needed to be done so badly. I threw away so much that had long been expired and forgotten about and now everything is where it should be and able to be seen!
Mondays are rough, especially when you're dealing with the time change and you stayed up too late playing! Not going to name any names but a certain cute baby fell asleep on our morning commute today. I have a feeling he'll perk right up whenever we go to the park this afternoon!

That's it for today. I hope your Monday treats you well and I'll talk to you soon!

Confessional Friday

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely week. Us over here in NWA were snowed in for the better half of the week but the sun is out and it is supposed to be in the 60's today so I am one happy gal. As usual, it's Friday and that means I'm linking up with Leslie at A Blonde Ambition so let's get started!

1. I confess that my life seems to have been an unorganized mess these past two months. Between all of the snow days, having to stay home with Carson when he gets sick, and getting sick myself I just can't seem to get into the routine that I desperately need to stay sane. I'm hoping March will be less chaotic and more calm!

2. I confess that I am trying not to buy makeup for all of March. I bought way too much in February and, honestly, I think I could go years without needing to buy another eyeshadow so it's probably time for a break!

3. I confess that I tried to make yet another video and I was not happy with it. I'm considering trying again today but without the right set up (lights, camera, etc.) it's hard for this perfectionist to be happy with the end result!

4. I confess that Carson may or may not have fallen in love with Cheetos. TJ went to the grocery store and brought some home and it didn't take long for Carson to discover that shiny bag full of delicious, empty carbs. Not my finest moment in parenting but I've learned that in parenting it is all about choosing your battles.
Carson with his Papa (aka his BFF that shares ice cream with him)

5. I confess that I am not good at getting things done if they are out of my routine. TJ's parents came down last Friday, got snowed in with us, and stayed till Monday. And let me tell you, those people get stuff done. They took care of all the things that needed to be done that I never have time to do, don't know how to do, or just plain forgot about. They hung up the curtains in Carson's room, cleaned our very unorganized guest room, cleaned out our refrigerator, hung up the mirror in the guest room that we've had for a year leaning against the wall not knowing what to do with, and put up our curtain holders in the living room. I couldn't be more thankful for all of their help and generosity! Did I mention they did all of this while I was still under the weather and Carson was horribly sick and only wanted to be held by his Nana and Papa? They are some productive people!

That is it for today, I hope you all have a lovely sunshine filled weekend! Talk to you soon!

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