
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hey remember that one time I started a blog and then put it on the back burner for two months? Yeah, woops, my bad ya'll. When I started this I had good intentions of blogging 4-5 days a week and then life gave me a reality check with the stress of the semester reaching an all time high. But things are finally sizzling down as I approach my week full of one whole final!
So since I've been gone for so long I figured I'd give some updates about what I've been up to!

1. I graduate in 6 days. I repeat: I GRADUATE IN 6 DAYS!  I never thought this day would come so quickly but I'm so excited. I still have to take some summer classes but I am so excited to be one step closer to starting a new chapter in my life.

2. Carson met the Easter bunny. It was hilarious. He didn't think so.

3. I gave up buying makeup for all of March. And then completely made up for it and then some in April. Woops again. So I will be able to do plenty of makeup posts soon, though, that's for sure!

4. Carson turned 18 months on April 24th. That's a year and a half! Which means he will be 2 before I know it. I just can't handle how fast he is growing up. Oh, and he also got a car, duh. What else did you expect for his half birthday??

5. Last but not least, we got to spend some much needed relaxing family time together and went to the zoo yesterday! Carson absolutely loved it and was in such a great mood all day long. As he's been getting older he's gotten more laid back and is content to just play and play and it has been so fun! But of course afterward he just had to stretch back and relax after a long day haha!
We went to Cracker Barrel after our drive back and he may or may not be checking out a girl at the table next to us (he definitely was). Here's a hint though, Carson: don't take your socks off and put your feet up on the table if you're trying to impress your date. 

That is it for today, I hope you all have had as nice a weekend as we have and have enjoyed this BEAUTIFUL weather! Talk to you soon!

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