Confessional Friday

Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy Friday, everyone! It's the end of the week so you know the drill, Confessional Friday with Leslie at A Blonde Ambition, let's get started!

1. I confess that I AM GOING TO NEW YORK IN 6 DAYS! The phone interview I had last Friday went well and they want me to move onto the final interview at their headquarters in New York! I am beyond excited, nervous, ecstatic, and anxious!

2. I confess that I haven't been able to set this down. I'm a hug fan of Mindy Kaling to the point of borderline obsession if you asked my husband haha. I started this book yesterday and will be finishing it tonight. I have smiled and laughed creepily to myself way too many times to count while reading this book and I will be so sad when it's over!

3. I confess that I am never eating another Sonic corn dog for as long as I shall live. TJ and I had some during happy hour on Tuesday and then we both woke up with food poisoning at 3:30 AM and were sick all day Wednesday. Thankfully Carson didn't eat any and was completely fine but it was interesting to try to juggle a toddler and food poisoning. I won't be admitting how much TV was watched that day!

4. I confess that I am so envious of all you coffee lovers and your blindness to how disgusting it tastes. Why can't I have that same blindness?? A can of Coke just doesn't sound appealing at 8 AM. I'm so anxious about New York and haven't been able to sleep well at all. I have never been, am going completely by myself, and am having 7 interviews in one day. I fly in Thursday morning, spend the whole day there to myself, then interview all day Friday and will be back Friday night. A short amount of time but plenty to make me crazy in the mean time!

5. I confess that I spilt some juice on my Macbook last night. I had it on the table last night at dinner because TJ and I were looking something up then when it came to take Carson out of his highchair, some of the juice that he spilt on his tray slipped off onto my keyboard when I was setting the tray on the table. So typing has been interesting. I'm hoping this can be an easy fix. Advice is welcomed and encouraged!

That's all for today, folks, I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on your final interview and good luck in New York!! I'm sure it will go well. Stopping by from the link up! Hope your keys aren't too sticky :)

    1. Thank you so much!! :) Thankfully the keys are getting a tad easier to press as I type more, hopefully it won't be a problem much longer!


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