My Skincare Routine

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A year ago if you asked me what my skincare routine was I would tell you Neutrogena face wash and moisturizer and that was it! Ever since getting into makeup I have realized how important skincare is and along the way I have found some products that work for me!

This has stayed my holy grail face wash for years and I do not plan on changing that anytime soon. I use it at night first to get all of the makeup off my face before going in with my exfoliator and I use it in the morning too before priming my face. I truly cannot recommend this enough!

I use this Facial Radiance Polish by First Aid Beauty to exfoliate my skin. I just ran out last week and have been using this by Neutrogena since I already had it in my bathroom. I honestly probably will keep using the cheaper one. Since I use so many products it's hard to tell a difference between the results of this and the Neutrogena exfoliator!

After exfoliating I go in with my Clarisonic and use the gentle face wash like Purity. The Clarisonic has made a huge difference in my skin. It comes with the sensitive brush head which I would definitely recommend starting out with. I had a 2 week period after using it where my skin was purging out all of the dirt in my pores and I broke out but once I pushed through I was so happy! My skin is smoother and more clear thanks to the Clarisonic!

After I do all of the previous steps I use this toner from Mario Badescu to wipe away anything that may be left. Like I said, since I do use so many products it's hard to tell the results from each one. I haven't quit using it though because since I started this routine I've noticed a huge difference in my skin so I don't want to mess anything up because if it ain't broke don't fix it!

I like to use this GlamGlow mask at least once a week. I use it more if I am having a particular rough break out and it is great at getting everything pushed out of your pores so clear skin can shine through! I purchase mine off Amazon for nearly half the price of Sephora and it is definitely worth every penny because the results speak for themselves!

You can imagine that with all of the products I use on my skin that I would need to moisturize. I usually have oily skin but since starting this routine I would say it's normal and can get dry so what I like to do after everything else is put on this Ultra Repair Cream from First Aid Beauty at night. If my skin is more dry I also put it on in the morning after washing my face and before priming. I love it because it soaks in immediately, doesn't make your skin feel greasy, and it gives great hydrating results!

Well that is my current skincare routine and I can't see it changing anytime soon. I hope this has helped anyone who was curious about any products. If you have any questions just let me know! Have a great day, everyone!

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